Love of two is one
Here but now they're gone
Came the last night of sadness
And it was clear she couldn't go on
Then the door was open and the wind appeared
The candles blew then disappeared
The curtains flew then he appeared...saying don't be afraid
Come on baby...and she had no fear
And she ran to him...then they started to fly
They looked backward and said goodby...she had become like they are
She had taken his hand...she had become like they are
Come on baby...don't fear the reaper

--"Don't Fear the Reaper" -- Blue Öyster Cult

Ancient cultures believed that dreams were spiritual in origin, often foretelling the future. If this is true, what are nightmares? Episodic nocturnal events. Alone at night, in the dark, what do you fear?

Watch a movie, read a book, listen for sounds in the night... Is it only an owl? The night is so active where I live, more so than daylight. Hush, did you hear that? Was it a bear or only a raccoon? I'm not walking into the dark. I'm afraid. I'll admit it. It is kind of a good feeling, it makes you feel alive. More intense. Probably why we scare ourselves with our deep dark secret fears.


It was a dark and spooky night,
And all through the house, there were no lights.
Is that a noise I hear?
A ghost, a goblin, a monster, I fear.
Shaking hands, wildly beating heart -
I open the door and had quite a start!
Who's out there? I call
I see a shadow at the end of the hall.
How could that be, with no lights shown?
And there I was, all alone.
As quietly as I could, down the hall I crept
Silently everyone else slept...
A feathery draft, a furry touch
Oh, how I want to cry out very much!
Frightened of what, I don't know
My, how the fear does grow.
A scraping sound, a creaking door...
How can I take much more?
Down the stairs, hand on the rail
Across the room, I bump into a pail.
Gelatinous, jellious, squishy eyes!
Is that what I touched, I cried!
With candles lit, they jump out at me
Ghosts, witches, cats, and mummies trying to flee.
My cries have scared them,
And the vampire looks grim.
As he points out of the window
My screams reach a crescendo!
What have I seen?
A sign on the lawn, Happy Halloween!

Okay, I suck as a poet, but it rhymed.

Haunted House

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