![]() "By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes:-- Open, locks, whoever knocks!" ![]() Ghosts are apparitions of dead people. They are nonmaterial embodiments or essences of an organism who wanders the cosmos looking for something that may only be known to them. They are lost souls that vary in apparent solidity from a mere foglike mass to a perfect replica of the person they once were. After death, the spirit of the dead person lingers near it's body. A common practice of some is to propitiate the ghosts of the dead by offerings of food, clothing, and other objects that the ghosts may find useful in the spirit world. In some cultures the personal possessions of a dead man, including his weapons, his pets, and sometimes even his wife, are buried or burned with his body. This mourning rite probably originated in the belief in ghosts. As well as true hauntings. It would be hard to rest for eternity if you had unfinished business... True hauntings exist and truly haunting experiences do happen. In this area of western North Carolina, a few well known ghostly happenings occur. Such as the Pink Lady of the Grove Park Inn. She is dressed in pink and haunts this Inn. You can see her and hear her late at night. Some guests have had several encounters with her. You can usually hear doors slamming, laughter, and talking from rooms that are not used. She was said to have fallen from one of the windows and perished. She is a benevolent ghost. Another haunted place is Helen's Bridge. It was built in 1909 to provide access to the Zealandia Mansion on the crest of Beaucatcher Mountain. Helen's Bridge, or Zealandia's Bridge was special from its conception. The bridge was graced with beauty, both in its arched design and its quarried stone construction. But when the Zealandia Mansion caught fire, Helen lost her only child in the fire. Helen was so crushed by the loss she hung herself from the bridge right down the road from the mansion. On Halloween night you can go to the bridge and try to conjure Helen. If she is successfully called, you car will mess up in some way that you can't get down the mountain.
Howe'er you come to know it,--answer me: Though you untie the winds, and let them fight Against the churches; though the yesty waves Confound and swallow navigation up; Though bladed corn be lodg'd, and trees blown down; Though castles topple on their warders' heads; Though palaces and pyramids do slope Their heads to their foundations; though the treasure Of nature's germins tumble all together, Even till destruction sicken,--answer me To what I ask you." -----Macbeth ![]() Turn out the lights and let's see what's in the dark... Halloween LinksCeltic Origins of Halloween | Ghosts on All Hallows Eve | Halloween Home |Nightmares in Dreamland | Poe's Ocean of the Night | The Bell Witch | The Graveyard | Vampires: Children of the Night | The Mummy of Seven Stars Site LinksHomeSite Map Email at: dh @ naturehaven.com (take out the spaces and this email address will work) |