Caribbean Amphibian? What's that? Amphibians of the Caribbean sort are not the only amphibians here, it just rhymed well. And it is also a great song! It was written by Mark Saltzman, and sung by Jimmy Buffett and Kermit the Frog on the "Elmopalooza" album. And it goes like this...

...I know a tropical Island where the mango moon and banana sun shine.....Caribbean amphibian. A frog in a coconut tree...A frog in a coconut tree....Ribbet Ribbet!

Frogs Toads
Salamanders and Newts Caecilians

Amphibian is the common name for any animal of the vertebrate class lying between fishes and reptiles on the evolutionary scale. It includes about 4400 existing species. The amphibians are classified into 3 orders: Anurans, Caudata, and Gymnophiona .
1. Anura are comprised of animals having 4 legs and no tails as adults, which includes frogs and toads.
2. Caudata are comprised of animals having 4 legs and having tails as adults, which includes salamanders, newts, and sirens.
3. Gymnophiona are comprised of animals having no legs and most having no tails, which includes caecilians.

Be sure to click on the frogs in the coconut tree to find out more about amphibians! Or try these links:

Frogs | Toads | Salamanders and Newts | Caecilians

To find out more about amphibians just find and click
on the frogs in the coconut tree at the top of this page!

Or try these links:

Frogs | Toads | Salamanders and Newts | Caecilians

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Ribbit! Ribbit!