Mama bear knocks down some seed for her young bear. The young bear looks about 1 year old. |
Mama and her young bear looking around for something to eat. |
This bear is scratching her head on the tree. |
And after you have a head scratch, you have a backside scratch! |
Now some more seed, but I think it is empty! |
Despite the way it looks, that hummingbird feeder is not too high, they have emptied it too. |
Mama bear scratching her face and clawing up the tree. |
This is a different young bear that is on his own, maybe the first summer on his own. |
A little blurry, but look at those claws on this small bear! |
If this bear was much heavier, he might be swimming in the spa instead of walking across it. |
He is grabbing the suet feeder, another feeder that I thought was "high" enough. |
He is grabbing the last bit of suet. Poor birds! |
He is getting every last bit of suet off his paws. He left the feeder intact so that I would refill it for him. |
Well, he might have eaten everything, but he did pose nicely for the camera! |
I think he has a sweet tooth, but he didn't drink any hummer juice today. |
He takes a final look around before leaving for the day. But he'll be back... |
Sometimes bears travel by road, first down the hill... |
Then up the hill. Traffic! Traffic! Did you ever think to look for bears in the road? |
This one looks around to make sure all is well before taking a drink of water. |
Sure is nice to find a fresh, clean drink of water! |
A mother with 2 cubs! I am very quiet, so that I don't frighten them. |
Naughty bear! Get out of my trash can. |
Neighbors trash? Help yourself bear. Ha! Ha! |
Uh oh! We've been spotted spying on Mr. Bear. |
This bear is just looking for seed below the birdfeeder. |
Just a bear in the woods around the house. |
Another itchy bear! Our trees must be really good to scratch on. |
A little blurry, but this bear pressed his nose to the door to look in... |
Is the grass greener on the other side of the fence? |
No, but the spa temp is just right... |
Mom Bear |
Baby Bear |
Mom Bear climbs a tree. |
Where did you go Mom? |
Mom, it sooo high up! |
I made it! Mom and Baby Bear together up in the tree. |